Encoding and Printing

  • 125 kHz Encoding

    Formats include 26 | 30 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 42

  • 13.56 MHz Encoding

    MIFARE® DESFire® | Classic® | Plus® | Ultralight® | more

  • Printing

    Full printing services to cards, fobs, wristbands and more


  • By using NXP Tag info app (available Google Play / Apple Store) you can scan the a High Frequency card, the app will tell you the technology inside. If the app does not respond you are likely to have a Low frequency card. You can confirm this by shining your mobile’s torch through the back of the card. If you see a round antenna you have a Low Frequency technology.

    If you’re still a little unsure, give us a call and we’ll be happy to assist.

  • Prox cards will require a Format type, Site/Facility Code, and the number range for encoding purposes.

  • We will require a sample card to test. Testing takes a few minutes but we need the card in hand to do so.

    Once we have tested we will provide you with all the information you will need to order cards in the future.

  • We only listed the most common card types. There countless combinations of technology, formfactors, materials and colours. If you have something in mind, give us call, we are always happy to assist.